
Um Mojito

para Constanin
single-double-vee em verde



Coming Soon!


Eu gosta bem vida em Portugal

Some Ding repairs along side to get the camera man's 6'6 flying again!

 Picture courtesy of:
Constantin Gross http://concon.name/


Purple Haze

Saturday Evnin. Lit up sky greets home comers. Makes you wanna never ever say goodbye.


Done'n Dusted... Ehem, waxed!

Kiels are glassed on, rails filled up and obligatory artwork scribbled on. 
Original middle to nose rocker, double concave 2ft up from tail all the way out and sharp rails in the back.
No leash, no fancy nothing. 
Tested in Penhale Corner (don't go there, shitty waves all the time) works almost like expected. 
Fast, loose but still controlable. Paddles like a longboard, stay low and you'll love it


Need For Speed

 Box it up, ready do shred!

5ft Leftovers

Longboard Convertible, her better half. Bottom stripped, replastered and huntin' for those kinky keels! Show me what'ya got!

Maybe these ones?! 


Portreath harbour wall on fire

Portreath harbour wall

Even had a shoulder... sort of

Forecast for today: flat in the morning... swell supposed to pick up in the afternoon. Decision was made surfing waist high Gwithian in strong cross shore winds and rather mushy waves. With us about 40 beginners, 2 surf schools and later on a dozen of groms with lycras filling the whole rainbow scale. We drove home only to see the new swell arrive and Portreath fireing! Gloomy weather, a handfull of spongers and a gnarly harbour wall wave seeking fresh meat.

Seek and ya will find (him)... btw, he made it